Facelift is a surgery when the facial skin is lifted by
removal of unnecessary skin, subcutaneous fat and by making the fibrous tissue
more elastic. The surgery is performed under the general anesthesia and lasts
from 1,5 to 3 hours. When the neck sin is lifted it is called neck lift though
the procedure is similar. Facelift procedure allows rejuvenating and fixing the
acquired result for the considerably long period of time. The length of the
operation depends on the individual features of the customer and the technique
to be applied. On the average, the results of facelift surgery last from two to
twelve years.
The surgery done by the professional really stops the time
passing and considerably increase self-estimation with the customer who can boast
with the other new face and young face when it is lifted.
Face-lifting is done both at the particular zone, as the
mini lifting of eyelids, forehead or cheeks and the complete lifting is done
when the surgery is done for the forehead, temples, cheeks, neck and chin.
Face-lifting allows removing wrinkles, skin sagging and folds
resulted in the considerable face rejuvenation. Such ageing processes as downturning
mouth, gills, blepharoptosis of the lower part of the face or the upper lid
make the face older. Face-lifting allows removing ptosis of tissues and make
the ageing processes less prominent. Face-lifting and neck lifting surgery is
done with general anesthesia and lasts four to five hours depending on the
affected area. Recovery period takes about three week on the average, when the
first two days the customer is observed by the medical stuff, the bandage is
removed on the fourth-fifth day and the sutures are removed on the seventh day.
The post-surgery edema is off n two to three weeks. The face rehabilitates
completely within one or two months and the customer are forbidden ant physical
stress within this period.
Since plastic surgery is the sphere that is regularly
advanced and developed and more studies are done in this area, the techniques
of the endoscope facelift surgery gain more popularity these days. This
technique is done when the face is lifted through small sections that are made
in invisible areas possible to do with the special tool and endoscopic equipment.
The surgery is done under the general anesthesia though it
takes only one to three hours. Small sections are made in the hair lines or in
natural skin folds.
Post-surgery period after the endoscopic face-lifting takes
less time and the result is more prominent and effective.
Face-lifting is done for medium-age and older people.
Though, the best results are observed when the skin still keeps elasticity and
the general health condition is suitable. Face-lifting is often done within forty to
fifty when the surgery helps to achieve the ideal face contour and restore the
elasticity of muscles and the skin. At the elder age, facelift is a good
technique to rejuvenate though the results of the surgery will not last for
longer period since the elasticity of the skin is too low.
Prior the surgery the customer is recommended medical
examination since there is a number of contraindications to this surgery. So,
with ontological diseases, coagulation failure, severe diseases of internals, diseases
of the cardiovascular system at the decompensation stage, with acute chronic
diseases, pronounced hypertension, as well as inflectional processes the
facelift surgery is forbidden since the procedure may take to undesirable
reactions and worsen the health problems. If you are to have no
contraindication to facelift surgery and you are strongly sure to have it done
on you, you have to stop taking medications two weeks before the surgery which
can affect the blood coagulation like aspirin-containing drugs or medications
against cough.
The customer is not recommended to take food or drink just
before the surgery. After the surgery is done, all prescriptions made by the
doctor should be observed which will make it easy to make the rehabilitation
period faster and let it go easier with little pain and disturbance.