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Permanent Lip Makeup

Thursday, 02 April 2009

permanent lip makeupEvery lady would love to have bright and sensitive lips and perfect makeup lasting for the whole day but it is rather not that easy to keep due to the intensive rhythm and busy lifestyle of the megalopolis. The most wonderful solution to the whole problem can be the permanent makeup method. Apart from the effective result and the ever-beautiful lips a woman will get, the procedure helps to get rid of chronic and annoying preconceptions about one's looks imperfection. Permanent makeup procedure makes the lips brighter and visually bigger; it helps highlighting the lips' contour and also changes its form.

At the first stage, the doctor outlines an accurate line to accentuate the lips contour with a fine needle. Then a bigger needle is taken to make an outer contour that is supposed to be a bit more blurred and diffusive. In case you have only decided to lift up and adjust the form of your lips, this is where the procedure ends for you. Though, if you need the complete permanent makeup procedure, the doctor would treat the total area of the lips. Such procedure is called tintage. One can choose from numerous tones and colors - bright and pompous colors such as bright red would look wonderful, or consider one of the natural tones or colors. In case you prefer your lips to look natural, the specialists would apply a specific chemical stuff to the lips to make the color more shear, in order for your natural color to be seen through the dye and making the procedure less visual.

The treated area is treated by anaesthetics however slight pain may be felt. The pigment is injected into the upper layer of the skin - the pigment is a non-toxic organic colorant. The doctor is in charge to control how deep the perforation should go in. The final stage of the procedure is the application of the specific ointment to the lips that should be on them for 10-15 minutes. After that, the lips are wiped out with a napkin to remove the remainder of the ointment and after that a protecting remedy is being applied to the lips (some healing ointment, oil or balm). In the end of the procedure lips would look a bit bigger due to the soreness which is usually over in the next six or more hours.

The result from this procedure could only be seen in a month's time. For the first two or three days lips would look swallowed. This is due to insignificant «crust» that covers the lips. Afterwards the «crust» would start to shell off and in four or five days or maximum in seven days it will go away completely. the other A second «crust» would be left on the lips. The second «crust» has the looks of the pale shelling off skin. One has to be very patient since the second «crust» would take around ten to fourteen days to remove. One has to keep on using special moisturizing and healing lotions, balms, ointments and such. During this stage the color of the permanent makeup would look unhomogeneous due to the irregular and spotty shelling off. After the upper layer of the lips is removed completely, one can judge the procedure fully and worthily. The ideal contour of the lips and the evenly dyed surface of the lips are considered to be the most important criteria of the quality procedure.

During the procedure the specialist can also make mistakes, since nobody is perfect. The most common mistake is when the contour of the lips is not outlined properly. Another one would be the asymmetric form of the lips and the spotty and irregular coloring. Sometimes the color that one gets does not match the color that one wanted so much. Don't you worry, since such errors can be corrected during the consequent follow-up procedure. However lips cicatrization is a very serious problem that can be cured by laser polishing and other serious techniques.

Permanent lips makeup does not stay on the lips forever, in spite of the name. On the whole, it lasts for two to three years. Since skin tends to regenerate from time to time, the coloring pigment is eventually egested to the lips' upper layers and with time disappears. The permanent makeup durability varies due to the quality of the pigment that is applied. Other factors, such as skin type, metabolism factors, UV rays - they all can affect the life of the permanent makeup. The professionalism and skills of the cosmetic specialist do matter. When and if necessaty, anyone can require the procedure repeated to have brighter shade for the lips.

Once you decided for the procedure, consider qualified specialists as a priority to find and make arrangement. The result of this procedure relies on the doctor's experience and skills. Search a qualified specialists out there in all cosmetology and medical clinics in your place. Previous clients' references can be the best recommendations ever - try asking your friends or co-workers for their opinions. Before getting down with the procedure it is recommended that you consult with the specialist and ask him or her any possible questions that you might concerned with. Whether it is the way the procedure to be carried out or the way to choose the color for the lips or the form of the lips - all you want to know is better to find out prior to the very procedure.

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