Every girl with straight hair at least once in a lifetime has dreamt of having a luxurious lion's mane. Every "Curly Sue" from time to time wishes to have a sleek haircut. Why is it so? After all, luxurious curls have remained fashionable for five to six centuries now. There is still great demand for "permanent" in hairdressing salons.
Curly hair relieves one of many inconveniences such as the daily use
of curlers, spending much time on a hairdo that is easily scattered at
the first instance of a wind gust and finally "die" from rain or simply
from a wet weather. If there are strong curls on the head, which are
not scare of rain, wind or storm, all they need are some swirls with
hands and hairsptay: the hairdo is ready. You can confidently go to
work, a party or swimming pool: It'll take just few minutes to fix any
hairdo "disaster".
However, curly hair has some downsides. The
main one is that it's usually very soft and weak. The reason is the
non-uniform structure: the root of a curly hair, as a rule, is "oily"
(scientists discovered that the scalp of people "with curls" releases
more sebum), and the hair itself is dry because its spiral nature
poorly releases moisture. Besides, curls very often twist at ends
because they are very sensitive to any external influence, hair dryer,
stiff hairbrush and drastic changes in temperature. All these factors
make the scalp of people with curly hair sensitive: it often scales and
itches; dandruff appears more often; there are serious rashes. Another
disadvantage is that curly hair can be easily damaged. Rough hairbrush,
awkward or a hasty motion while combing can cause an irreparable
"injury" to a curled hair. Exfoliated hair becomes stubborn and stay
above the head like a light "cloud". Therefore, there is an impression
the bearer of such haircut does not care for his hair.
But as
always, there is a way out. Curly hairs need to be softened, more tamed
and silked. The first cure for this is a tender, nourishing and
moisturizing mask which is better applied in a special salon and not at
home. Let us not forget the natural cosmetics for example; rinsing hair
in camomile tincture (camomile flowers can be easily bought at any
chemist's shop) makes the hair more elastic. Many good things have been
said about Iranian henna and black hair dye. They strengthen hair roots
and give hair "rigidity" and elasticity. They also create a protective
layer on the hair roots. It is very important to dry curls in a proper
way: Wrap the head with a towel and, without rubbing it, wait until the
towel fully absorbs water. While doing so, hair should be gently raised
so that the dry hair could look beautiful and natural.
advise people with curly hairs not to cut the fringe because it will be
needed to be daily "stretched" by a hair dryer that requires lots of
time. It is also necessary to buy a special sparse-teeth comb with the
antistatic coating for curly hair care. The hair should be combed very
carefully starting from ends to roots. The comb should be frequently
rinsed in hot water and the hair ends smeared with pomade so that they
do not become bristled and lose form. It is also necessary to clip off
intercepting hair ends!
Finally, here is some good news for
those who despite all the difficulties want to acquire sexy curls or
stubborn curls once and for all. As it was recently discovered by
French scientists, the hair bulb of curly hair, looks like a comma, and
for those whose hair is straight, the bulbs are also "straight". It
turns out hair bulbs are "guide system" for hair growth. This discovery
may bring dramatic changes in cosmetology: very soon there may appear
"new generation" cosmetics, a tablet or mixture, whose intake would
make your hair spin into pretty curls.