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How To Wear A Wrist Watch Properly – The Lesson of Style

When purchasing watches, no one is questioned with how to wear watches, actually. This appears to be logical and rational. Nevertheless, the simplest things happen to be complicated sometimes. Everything is made from details and details sometimes mean far more than the whole. People who really wander how to wear watches properly exist and they are really concerned in this issue.

Cigar Lighters – Torches To Splash Delight

The Cuban leader Fidel Castro, a revolutionary Che Gevara, politicians Winston Churchill and Bill Clinton, writers Somerset Maugham and Mark Twain, the actor and the political figure Arnold  Schwarzenegger – these names are well-known and these figures are best known to the world for their political, social, literary and other achievements. Moreover, the abovementioned people highly esteem cigar smoking and, thus, they come as people who own the greatest number of tools and accessories so requisite for this leisurely process and among others there are cigar lighters.

Crystal Glass Tableware – A Song of Crystal

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Radon Baths: The Healing Power of Radiation

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Radon BathsRadon baths are a variety of the radon therapy, prepared using mineral waters containing radon. Radon is a colorless, odorless and tasteless radioactive gas that is formed from the naturally occurring radioactive decay of radium and uranium. The main working factor of radon are alpha rays which have an array of properties and are successfully used in the treatment of peripheral nervous system, locomotorium, vascular, gynecological and some cutaneous diseases and also post-burn complications. During radon bath, unstable products of radon decay form the so called «active fur» on the skin, and its concentration increases even with slight movements of the patient in the bath or in the basin. It consolidates its grip on one's skin firmly enough and remains on the skin for 2-3 hours. The patient, being in the bath, is exposed to radon radiation which penetrates the skin and through the lungs into the blood flow.

The beneficial medicinal effect of radon procedures is conditioned by their pronounced anti-painful, anti-inflammatory and calming properties. Positive improvements in the functioning of cardiovascular system occur under the effect of radon therapy: the rate of cordial contractions decreases along with the arterial pressure which creates conditions favorable for the improvement of cordial activity in general. Radon therapy improves the joint mobility, increases body immunity, has positive effects on blood pressure and improves blood circulation, while radon baths provide a wonderful therapeutic effect for treatment of peripheral vessel diseases.

Due to ionizing radiation effect, radon baths positively affect the central nervous system, balance the energy processes, decrease the pain syndrome and help normalize sleep.

The exploration of the effect of radon on the human body began late in the XIX century, and since that time miscellaneous evidence has been acquired proving the beneficial power of radon baths in treatment of numerous painful conditions. Long-term scientific studies have found that exposure to small doses of radon radiation improves the regenerative processes in the lymphoid and hematopoietic tissues and this enhances immune response of the human body, and improves its immune status. It was noted that a course of radon therapy strengthens immunity protection against viruses and infections, and helps to better cope with the identification and suppression of growth of altered cells in case of existing autoimmune diseases.

Radioactive water baths have been applied since 1906 in Jachymov, Czech Republic, but even before radon discovery they were used in Bad Gastein, Austria. Radium-rich springs are also used in traditional Japanese onsen in Misasa. In the United States and Europe there are several «radon spas», where people sit for minutes or hours in a high-radon atmosphere in the belief that low doses of radiation will invigorate or energize them.

The practical experience made it possible to develop specific radon baths treatment methods which are prescribed as medicinal showers, general bathes, semi-bathes, local bathes (4-celled), contrasting baths, pearly baths, coniferous baths, turpentine baths and also the treatment in the basin with therapeutic physical training complex. Radon bathes are also successfully used for gynecological irrigations and hydro-massage of gums.

Recently radon baths have been included into the regenerative therapy for patients with locomotorium traumas and adrenal glands dysfunction, to stimulate the secretion of special hormones which help to strengthen the protective mechanisms of the body. For the treatment of osteochondrosis, «the disease of our age», underwater spine extension in a basin with radon water is successfully applied. Radon baths are also helpful in the treatment of diabetes, gout and obesity. In the latter case, radon bath therapy stimulates increased activity of hydrolytic enzymes, which leads to a reduction of lipids and their fractions. Thus, radon baths have a positive impact on the lipolysis in adipose tissue by normalization of metabolic processes, and therefore help reduce body weight. When combined with low-calorie diet, radon baths can help lose weight faster than by diet alone. Moreover, radon baths have a positive effect on the badly damaged skin and accelerate the healing in case of inflammatory conditions.

Radon baths have been effectively used in the treatment of gynecological diseases, and diseases of the urogenital area. For quite a long time, radon baths have been successfully used in the treatment of ovarian cysts, endometriosis, fibromatosis, and kraurosis, a precancerous condition of external genitalia. The efficiency of treatment of fibroids with radon baths may compete with the results of fibroid surgery. At the same time, radon baths cannot be taken during pregnancy, in case of ovaries hypofunction, and some varieties of infertility or suspected malignant tumors.

In addition, contraindications to the use of radon baths include leukopenia, any stage of radiation sickness, certain conditions associated with a permanent stay of patients in the areas of total exposure to radiation. High radon concentrations are contraindicated in case of obvious changes in the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Do not take radon baths if you suffer from hypothyroidism, when the production of hormones by the thyroid gland is decreased. The decision about radon baths therapy should be taken by a physician based on the detailed study of the patient's history and in the absence of contraindications.

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