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Shiatsu: The Secret of Health and Beauty

Sunday, 05 October 2008

shiatsu massageMany secrets are hidden in the East. The Eastern air is fragrant, the people are hospitable, and the tales are full of wonders. But there's much more. Asia possesses plenty of unique health-improvement systems with basic principles totally different to our traditional European eat-the-pill-and-back-on-feet approach. In the East they interact with energies, talk to unattainable spheres, and listen to the flow of time, - always in an unhurried but very effective manner.

A great amount of efficient health-improvement systems originate from the East, and one of the most honored and significant method is the massage, with its uncountable varieties, the most widespread of which is shiatsu. It was invented in Japan, and you'll hardly find Japanese who has never taken benefit of it. Japanese would turn to the shiatsu expert when suffering from any kind of pain or indisposition.

Some call shiatsu the japanese pointillage. But they are mistaken. In the Japanese language shi means a thumb, and atsu stands for pressure. «The pressing fingers therapy» is the original definition from its founder, the Japanese doctor Tokujiro Namikoshi.

He was the very man whose curiosity focused on the methods of treatment that had been invented by Japanese instructors of martial arts and transferred from generation to generation. Those methods had been used to heal injuries, stimulate the students' capabilities, and cure pain in joints and spine. Namikoshi was struck by both efficiency of the methods and the rapid recovery. He had united separated methods into one system and named it shiatsu.

What is the essence of shiatsu? Oriental sages believe that Nature is controlled by energy that has the power to create and destroy. The same energy circulates in every human being. If nothing disorganizes this process, the energy does create, and the man is healthy. When the circulation is disrupted, the energy becomes destructive, evil, and senseless, and the man falls ill.

The energy circulates through 14 special channels (usually translated as meridians, which seems to be rather inappropriate). Those channels have areas (let us name them points, but in Japan they are called tsubo, and in China - sue), where the energy can stagnate or weaken. By affecting those very areas we can restore the circulation of energy.

The principal difference of shiatsu (compared to other methods) is the finger-pressing. The body should be pressed hard with the largest possible surface area of a thumb, at right angle, and without any massaging strokes. Usually one group of points is pressed repeatedly. The pressings should be performed until the changes in «rigidity» of the tissues become notable. By eventually hardening the pressure we reach the deeper layers of tissue. There the fingers should stop for some seconds, and then return slowly to the starting position.
In case of slight indisposition one minute of pressings is usually enough, if the weakness is bad you may need 2 or 3 minutes.

For the efficient massage you must locate the point precisely. There's no good in affecting surrounding points which you actually might not need to affect.

All other ways of manipulating with the points require specific knowledge of medicine, studying them takes a great deal of time, and their application without proper training may cause serious health troubles. Shiatsu is the only method which can be used freely providing some simplest rules are being followed.

- acute infectious diseases;
- oncology;
- extensive skin injuries;
- schizophrenia.

And something that might be of great importance for women of all ages: The face is crossed by eight meridians, which form a very thick net that provides energy for face and head. Shiatsu is an effective way to correct the tone of muscles. As a result, «regulation» of wrinkles - nosolabial, above the upper lip and round the eyes, - face-lifting, reshaping of face contours without surgical intervention, radiant complexion, treatment of acne and enlarged pores become real.

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navid  - tsubo   |2009-08-04 19:28:21
would you please tel me where can i learn the tsubo method?
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