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Cigar Lighters – Torches To Splash Delight

The Cuban leader Fidel Castro, a revolutionary Che Gevara, politicians Winston Churchill and Bill Clinton, writers Somerset Maugham and Mark Twain, the actor and the political figure Arnold  Schwarzenegger – these names are well-known and these figures are best known to the world for their political, social, literary and other achievements. Moreover, the abovementioned people highly esteem cigar smoking and, thus, they come as people who own the greatest number of tools and accessories so requisite for this leisurely process and among others there are cigar lighters.

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Alain Ducasse – the Artist of Gastronomy

Saturday, 22 May 2010

Alain DucasseIt is proved that meal consumption is one of the essential activities in life of human beings since we cannot survive if we do not eat. Nevertheless, we do not always care what we eat. Health food and healthy life style are widely advocated recently. Though, not all people feel like adhering to the healthy life style and still are too careless about the food consumption. The majority of people are satisfied with the principle «we eat to be full» and they are fine with that.

However, the natives of countries with the advanced attitude to gastronomy refer to food as to the art and moreover as to the cultural event but not as to the physiological process to replenish the energy we lost for life activities.

France is the country that can boast with its perfect cousin, though there are certain eastern countries that could demonstrate better and more delicious kitchen. And, yet, it is not surprising that the best chef and restaurateur is Alain Ducasse, the Frenchman of our days.

Actually, the restaurateur is the founder or the restaurant holder or the owner to the network of restaurants who is in chare of development of the entire concept of the establishment, including the menu, the wine card, the style of servicing customers, the interior design, the pricing policy, the idea of the restaurant and on the whole this is the person who is involved in everything, from the plain lamp in the hall to the bunch of green onion for cooking.

There are cases, though rare in history, when the chef becomes the restaurateur that is when the chief author of all the culinary works like Leonardo Da Vinci of gastronomy owns the entity. And Alain Ducasse is the chef who smoothly becomes the restaurateur.

Alain Ducasse is known to be born on September 13, 1956 to the plain family of peasants in Castel-Sarrazin, the town in the south-west of France. Alain did not feel like working in the fields for all his life and as a sixteen-year-old young man he started as a server at the restaurant of the famous chef of that time, Michel Guerard. Later on, he changed the place for the more reputed restaurant, Roger Verge. By the words of Ducasse, he exploited the simplest principle to grow in his career. He started as a workman in the kitchen when he had to wash dishes and clean the kitchen after all the procedures. The genius-to-be just wanted to have the vacancy with less physical load and higher salary.

It appeared that a young man falls to the category of people who are creative enough and are able to make the plain cooking procedure into the art. Ducasse improved his capacities and very soon at the age of 33 he was accredited as the youngest chef in history of restaurant business and the restaurant he worked for was given 3 stars of the Michelin, Le Guide Rouge.

The Michelin, Le Guide Rouge is the most reputable influential guide-book with the history of more that a century. The guide-book was designed for France only and currently it includes the descriptions of the entire Europe and some other particular cities of the world.

The personnel of the Michelin, Le Guide Rouge make assessments of «service establishments», like restaurants, hotels and so forth. The restaurants are rated by the scale of 3 stars by this guide-book.

When a restaurant gets one star by The Michelin, Le Guide Rouge published annually this establishment is considered to be good in the category it falls, that is the cuisine is good enough. Two stars means excellent kitchen and if you find yourself around the place you are welcome to call at the restaurant and evaluate the culinary art of the chef. In case if the restaurant has three stars next to the name in the guide-book that tells you will enjoy the cuisine that the chef of this restaurant makes any time you are ready to visit.

And now we are aware what Alain Ducasse has achieved for his restaurant being a young chef.  The acknowledgment was not essential for the young chef and the life itself in all respects and challenges was more vital for him at that moment. The point is that Alain Ducasse had a terrible car crush in 80s and he was the only person to survive. The consequences of the incident were deplorable: Ducasse was found wheelchair-bound. The fear to the physical pain, helplessness, to scantiness of physical capacities made him look differently to the life and live using all the challenges and opportunities.

When Ducasse faced the chance to go to Paris from Monaco he did it immediately and he got recognized in there, the capital of the most delicious and elegant cuisine.

Ducasse launches two private restaurants and in the soonest time he acquires the recognition as the best restaurant owner and three stars of The Michelin, Le Guide Rouge for each of them.

It has been for the first time in the history of restaurant business. That revealed the actual capacities of Ducasse as the genius chef and the restaurateur. That was the crucial point in career of Ducasse and he starts his travels around the world as the chef.

Spoon, the concept by Ducasse has been proved to be essential and epochal for the world restaurant business. The concept broke the traditional ideas about the restaurant menus and offered to the natives of the modern megalopolises the cosmopolitan menu to all the different tastes. The concept Spoon does not adhere to any cultural and national borders though it pays due respect to all traditions and customs of nations.

Currently Ducasse is the owner to over 20 restaurants in several countries, from the USA to Japan. And Ducasse was the person who created everything in every single restaurant by himself as the true restaurateur.

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