Lots of legends about secret places for countless treasures
and amazing jewelry accessories exist in the world.Modern treasure hunters, archaeologists
and just lovers of adventures try every attempt to sort out if the lost
treasures are a myth or reality which is vainly hidden from the humankind. As
experts say, the cost of all the lost treasures hidden under the water and in
the depth of the earth cost billion dollars. Some particular exhibits like the
throne of the epoch of Grand Moguls or the hidden silver of the Jesuit are not
subject to estimation.
Peacock Throne – jewelry perfection
There was a legend that once upon a time the jewelers from
the whole India created the perfect throne to please Shah-Djahan. To create such
a wonderful thing, the masters put the peacock feathers on the back of the
throne and in every detail they revealed the color gamut in the stone. The
carved patterns were made from gold and incrusted with plenty of rubies, emerald,
pearls and semi-precious stones. Shah-Djahan enjoyed the gift and he traveled
throughout Delhi sitting in the brilliant peacock throne riding a white
elephant. A century later the Empire of Grand Moguls fell under the attack of
conquerors and all the treasures were robbed and exported. The trace of the
Peacock Throne was lost.
This story was deemed a legend until the memos of the
legendary French traveler Jean Baptiste were discovered. He depistatedcted the
detailed description of the wonderful throne though even a tiny jewel has never
been found till up to date. There is one of plenty legends to tell that the
treasure of Shah-Djahan is buried on the bottom of the sea in the ship
Grosvenor not far from the Каар de Goede Hoop where it sank in 1782 with the
untold wealth on the board.
The Golden Fleece – myth or reality
The myths of ancient Greece tell about the Golden Fleece
stored in the grove by Ares under strict and permanent control of the dragon.
The fleece was the bizarre charm for prosperity of the Kolh tribe and had the magic
features. However, the Greek Argonauts headed by Yason stole the Golden Fleece
to take to their motherland.
The Golden Fleece was the real attribute of culture and such
legends tell about the relations set between the Ancient Greece and natives of
the Caucasus. Mountain Rivers in the territory of today’s Georgia and the gold
was then diluted in water. The ship was then soaked in the stream of the river
and fine particles of gold settled in the lock of the skin. The skin was deemed
as the jewelry treasure as such.
Jesuitical treasure
The missionary Jesuits lived back in North America in the
early XVIII century. They discovered the mine of silver ore in the state of
Arizona in the village La Purisima Concepcion. For long time the Jesuits
developed the precious metal until they faced the envious natives and were driven
out from the territory of America in 1767. However, the actual location of the
hidden treasure is not revealed and the missioners took the secret with
themselves. Yet, the silver ore mine was not discovered any longer and only in
the XX century the American veteran accidentally discovered the thirty-ton
outcome of the silver ore mine to the ground. He took lots of pictures and
decided to come back to the mine again with the necessary equipment and working
power. He was greatly disappointed to see that the trace of silver ore mine
disappeared caused by earthquake followed by dislocation of the ground strata
to hide the treasure for the other time. And who knows, whether the Jesuits
concealed the silver asset.
The golden chain by Inca
There is a legend that when the Spanish conquerors arrived
to the American continent in the early XVI century, all the treasures of Inca
and Aztec Indians disappeared for over the night from all temples and houses.
One of numerous treasures is known that belonged to the high priest where the
golden chain with approximate weight of around 10 tons was located. Such item
was carried by over two hundred strong males whereas it was difficult to hide
it, on the top of it. However, when the conquistador Pizarro killed the leader
of Inca tribe mercilessly, the secret of the hidden treasure was buried
together with the killed.
Such stories are known a lot. Such world-known cultural
values as the book collection by Ivan Grozniy and the scripts disappeared from
the Alexandrine library are not still found. Location of tombs of the Egyptian
Empress Cleopatra and that of her beloved Marco Antonio is cloaked in mystery.
Though real romanticists, archaeologists delving into every detail adventurous
people spend time in libraries to seek for any information referring to the
place of treasures. Yet, who knows whether a great number of legends and myths
is the immediate guide for actions.