Obsidian was
believed to originate from the hell, though the mineral was productively and widely
used to manufacture knives and arrow tips, and later on the craftsmen initiated
production of various jewels and decorative items. Obsidian is not the stone as
such, it is rather the volcanic glass. This is the clinker that hardens so fast
to form minerals. The Roman Obsius who was the first to bring the obsidian from
the Ethiopia
gave it his name. The earliest obsidian items were first discovered in Mesopotamia, which are over nine thousand years old.
Obsidian is
believed to have the volcanic energy, and thus, it was honored by many
religions and mostly applied as religious attributes for various events. The obsidian
is said to be «the black hole inside us», the most powerful agent to give the
physical but not mental strength. Moreover, the obsidian is practiced in
litotherapy to treat rheumatism and gout, urino-genital tract diseases, as well
to clean the inner organs. The ancient Greeks believed that spices are kept
better and longer in obsidian container.
It is curious
but it is said that «the underworld activity result» protects from the evil eye
and curse, damnation and other black magic, evils and merely ill-minded people.
This stone protects you when you travel and rehabilitates your mental health
after your heart is broken from love, and you are protected from
The ancient
civilization of the Central America, the
nations made mirrors from obsidian, and the superstitions, evil eye and demons
were popular things to believe there. The obsidian mirrors were assigned to
help women to look more attractive and keep the nice face, and men - to learn
how make a manly smile. Moreover, the mirrors were like the unique cleaning
means from magic effects, yet the person looking into the obsidian mirror is
believed to be immediately cleared from any evil.
As the legend tells,
the obsidian is able to keep from doing ill actions. Moreover, it deprives of the chance to commit sins
and suppress the negative energy, sharpen the witty thoughts and relieve from
stress, very interesting present from the underworld. At the same time, obsidian
appears to be the magic stone, and every magician must have it to concentrate
the astral forces, and subordinate the forces. The obsidian was much appreciated
by magicians since the stone helped to open the second sight port and helped to
meditate, protect from vicious forces and perceive the being in this world, and
it prevents from going away from the Earth making the connection between the
magician and the planet.
In Transcaucasia region, the obsidian appeared as the amulet
for kids to protect from trauma, evil eye and other bad things.
Even taking
into account all the advantageous features of the obsidian, it is not recommended
for a longer wear. The point is that the obsidian is the stone of carefulness,
and if the person wears it for longer time, he may become coward soon. Though, aggressive
and other horoscope signs of Fire get well balanced when wearing this stone.
Pisces and Aquarius signs get concentrated when wearing obsidian, while Cancer
and Virgo signs are not subject to get calm with the help of this stone, since
these signs are risky to get more timid instead of getting balanced.
obsidian usually comes in black, though some other colors are also discovered,
from red to green. There are some striped obsidians with red-and-black shades.
There are obsidians available with insertions of «snowflake», color spots, bands
and so on. The obsidians come in nature also with iridescent pearl gleam of
gold and silver shade, and sometimes with iridescent «pavonine» colors, luxury
and polychrome.
jewelers produce a wide range of items from obsidian, including watches and statuettes
of animals, with beads, trinkets, and other stuff.
Inessa Hyder