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How To Wear A Wrist Watch Properly – The Lesson of Style

When purchasing watches, no one is questioned with how to wear watches, actually. This appears to be logical and rational. Nevertheless, the simplest things happen to be complicated sometimes. Everything is made from details and details sometimes mean far more than the whole. People who really wander how to wear watches properly exist and they are really concerned in this issue.

Cigar Lighters – Torches To Splash Delight

The Cuban leader Fidel Castro, a revolutionary Che Gevara, politicians Winston Churchill and Bill Clinton, writers Somerset Maugham and Mark Twain, the actor and the political figure Arnold  Schwarzenegger – these names are well-known and these figures are best known to the world for their political, social, literary and other achievements. Moreover, the abovementioned people highly esteem cigar smoking and, thus, they come as people who own the greatest number of tools and accessories so requisite for this leisurely process and among others there are cigar lighters.

Crystal Glass Tableware – A Song of Crystal

In the light of a variety and availability of glass items, glass ware is still appreciated by plenty people, especially when it comes to cut glass. The cut glass produces a long, lingering and musical tune when you put your finger at the cut-glass edge. So, in Japan the craftsmen make unique musical instruments. A crystal violin, completely transparent, is estimated for fifty thousand USD. Crystal glass tableware is not so much expensive though it is able to produce the charming, unique and so brittle music providing it is properly cared.

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Office Dresses – Dress-Code Elegance

Thursday, 12 May 2011

office dressesDress code today is known for the extreme restrictions and most office ladies who spend most of their work time in offices face little challenge to vary their images. The perfect alternative to the business suit or a jacket with a pencil-skirt is a stylish and quite restricted office dress which is feminine enough and does not go beyond the frames of a business dress code.

An office dress is a garment which is a little bit more feminine than any other business suits and business dress code assumes quite strict limits for such dresses assuming tailoring, details, style and fabric, as well as the color gamut for such office attires.

First, the office dress chosen with the taste of style should not notice attention with vivid and flamboyant colors even in the summer time when a warmer weather allows varying the wardrobe with the garments of different color. The color palette for office dresses is shown as classic, from all variation of dark-grey, dark-blue and wine-red for winter time. The warmer seasons favor for lighter shades of sand color, shade of coffee with milk, tender pastel grey or blue. The red color which is deemed by many ladies as the perfect tool to stand out against the crowd is not good for the office purposes since the red dress will shout loudly in any corner of the office. However, the final color gamut for business wear is specified with the stringency of dress code for various companies which can differ.

Dress code in regards to the fabric for dresses is a little bit less strict. Absolutely forbidden fabric fro business wear includes half-sheer and translucent which is quite trendy coming season. The summer season greets the business dress from traditional cozy cotton or flax while the tender and smooth chiffon and silk look more appropriate for informal summer wear.

Office dresses differ from those for every day visually in simplicity and moderation of style. When choosing the office dress, the ones offering such details as ruches, flounces, bows, with open neck, with slits and one shoulder open should be left behind for other occasions but the office. The best-styled dresses for office wear come as dress-shirt or sheath-dress which is perfect to match with various cardigans. Both versions look attractive in any female type. The length is another essential factor since the office dress looks perfect when it is not provocatively short to avoid looking vulgar and not that long to look dull. Longer dresses look more appropriate for summer wear or evening occasions. The best dress is classic to knee or half-knee version.

When looking for the best office dress that is suitable to your mood and business and company, you’d better take into account the ones offered at international runways by the fashion designers for the coming 2011 season. The latest collections show the dominance of exclusively flippant half-sheer fabric and separate brands provided the entire collection for business ladies who can work the whole day and stay attractive and female-like.

Elie Saab is the real trend-setter of business wear the collections of which offer incredibly gorgeous versions for office dresses. Business wear by Elie Saab is what the classic comes with the length to knee, plain dresses fitting close and seductively highlighting shapes with minimum details of the most traditional color palette as black, grey and beige.

The designers for Akris offer more stylish solutions demonstrating fashion jersey dresses of intriguing shades of brick-red, dull blue, chocolate-brown. Dresses come with long sleeves and high turtle neck. Jersey is practical and comfortable, seductive and cozy, it is flexible to accentuate shapes and create the elegant style. Donna Caran tends to create the business style wear based on classic solutions uniting the elegance of pencil-skirt with trendy drapery accentuating the waistline thanks to the thin belt.

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MONIQUE  - Official dress code   |2012-12-21 11:36:57
Am a full figured shaped size lady neva worked in a corporate office before bt i got now n need tips on how to dress in casual official
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